It was extremely intense and absolutely wild - please don’t put this one on in the background this requires your full attention. Did a touch of research and come to find out that Woolf suffered from bipolar disorder and eventually committed suicide - none of this is explicitly explained in the film but it’s really interesting to see how they foreshadowed her experience with mental illness and the way they portrayed it sort of helps you understand the turmoil she went through when she was writing works such as ‘Orlando’. I didn’t realize that Virginia Woolf suffered from mental illness and even though the movie actually seems to focus on Vita primarily, it begins to shift towards the end and you see how Vita’s influence on her affected her emotionally and mentally. This movie is about Virginia Woolf and Vita last-name-that-I-do-not-know who had an affair at the height of Woolf’s career… hmmm wonder what could have caused that.
THIS WAS FUCKING INCREDIBLE?!?!? This was honestly one of the best movies I’ve been in a long time (and the hottest) and they did such a fantastic job giving you a peek into Virginia’s personal life. Okay listen up team we’re gonna make this a quick one because ya girl is drunk.